Saturday 3 April 2010

Hair Loss Prevention – How Vitamins And Nutrition Will Help!

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his is certainly not earth shattering news but is well worth repeating if you are trying to discover how to help prevent hair loss.

It is a known fact that a high level of nutrition gained by maintaining a healthy diet rich in fresh leafy greens and fruits in season is one of the most important aspects of preventing hair loss (amongst other conditions) in both women and men.

Even though there are a number of different causes for hair loss and baldness, a regular exercise program and healthy food have proven to bring positive results in many people suffering from hair loss. Some of the most common dietary nutrients known to assist with hair loss include:

• protein
• iron
• copper
• iodine
• zinc
• many vitamins including A and B groups
• silica
• biotin
• folic acid

As well as having a good knowledge of which vitamins and nutrients to increase in your diet, you must take the time to educate yourself about what foods contain which vitamins and minerals, so as you are aware of the correct foods that can contribute to stemming hair thinning or even baldness.

If you are suffering from hair loss then before rushing out to buy huge amounts of over the counter vitamin supplements, there are some things you should first consider. Most vitamin supplements available in stores do not get absorbed into the body as they should. This is because they are chemically processed. In addition, over dosage on some over the counter vitamin supplements can cause adverse reactions as well as toxicity problems so please be a little careful and do your research first.

Hair loss prevention is best achieved when a person is obtaining all the essential vitamins and minerals through the food they eat.

Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins to assist with the prevention of hair loss. Vitamin A helps prevent clogging and drying of the sebaceous glands, which is necessary to achieve essential hair follicle lubrication. This can help prevent hair thinning and baldness. Here are some great sources of vitamin A:

• fish oil (an oily fish like Salmon is really good and is high in omega 3)
• fortified milk
• fresh farm eggs
• liver
• orange colored vegetables
• and of course, fresh green leafy vegetables contain sufficient amounts.

Vitamin B is another essential nutrient that will help in the prevention of hair loss and balding. It is also really good for red blood cell metabolism, and helps in making hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is necessary to transport oxygen from the lungs to your body tissues – and that includes our hair. Sufficient quantities of Vitamin B can be obtained by eating foods from the following group:

• fish
• pork
• kidney
• liver
• chicken
• soybeans

The daily addition of at least one of these foods to your diet can most definitely assist in the prevention of hair loss and balding. And here is one last tip - folic acid is another important nutrient in our daily diets to help prevent hair loss. One of the best sources of folic acid can be found in liver.

So to quickly recap – to keep that falling hair at bay have a close look at your current diet and see where it can be improved – when it comes to hair loss prevention every little bit counts.

By: Allan Johns

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