Thursday, 11 March 2010

Nutritional Vitamins for Good Health

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In today's busy fast-food saturated world, many people cannot make the time to take proper care of their bodies. As a result, several people end up lacking the correct amount of vitamins that the body requires to function properly. To supplement their meager if not unhealthy diets doctors usually advice people take nutritional vitamin supplements to make up for the difference.

Nutritional vitamins come in various forms: tablets, liquids and capsules. Certain tablets contain ingredients that take some time to dissolve in the body so for better absorption, choose nutritional vitamins made with organic supplements. Liquid nutritional vitamin supplements are the easiest and most efficient to administer because liquefied vitamin supplements are more directly and readily absorbed than tablets and capsules. Capsules come in tiny edible containers that are more loosely packed so they easily dissolve but generally require greater dosage.


1. Read the label. Nutritional vitamin packages must provide a nutritional facts table containing all the nutrients it possesses as well the correct amount (at least 10 percent) of the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin. Look for any enzymes listed that would help increase absorption.

Also, look for the USP label which is United States Pharmacopoeia (BP or British Pharmacopoeia in the UK). A USP recognized and tested vitamin supplement fulfills the highest industry standards for both safety and quality.

2. Go for food based supplements. Nutritional vitamin supplements that are food based contains enzymes which increase the absorption up to 400 percent to 800 percent. These are by far the most efficient, however a bit bulkier and generally require larger doses. Always remember though that some manufacturers make fake claims on their labels. Be sure that your vitamin supplement does not contain any additives such as silica, gluten, sugar or starch.

By Fred Burfell

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